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I see no justification for supporting such an act by evoking cases of Muslim victims burnt alive such as in Myanamar because the preptrators of such crimes are not good examples to follow. We should not respond to the wrong with a graver wrong. A Muslim is commanded to abide by
This act is a blatant crime against morals, religion and humanity. What is worse is that it is committed in the name of Islam.
I see no justification for supporting such an act by evoking cases of Muslim victims burnt alive such as in Myanamar because the preptrators of such crimes are not good examples to follow. We should not respond to the wrong with a graver wrong. A Muslim is commanded to abide by the limits set by Allah in all situations: in war, peace, governance and judgment.
The message of humanity and universal mercy has been tarnished by this act. The messenger of Allah has not sent but as a mercy to all worlds.
I have no doubt that the main goal of ISIL and its act to damage the image of Islam and to scare people from Muslims. The Prophet refrained from executing people who were legally deserving of this punishment to avoid the negative propaganda of Quraish against the message; "lest the people say Muhammad kills his Companions," as he said.
O Allah, I distance myself from what these people did. To Allah we belong and to Him we will return.
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