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![O Libyans! Stand Firm.](
Is it a dream?!
The many may view things running in the Arab states at the present more strange than fancy.
If we recall the incidents from two months or bit more, strictly speaking, before the revolution of Tunisia, one might say that it is impossible in the majority view to experience such laudable revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and others at other Arab states at the same time.
By Allah, I feel mercy of Allah, the Noble, befalls the Arab Nation at the present time. Indeed, there is suffering and pains; however, it is a conceded fact to gain freedom and it is the established way of Allah, the Almighty.
Tunisia and Egypt had their revolution succeeded and Libya soon will gain the dame, God willing.
I do believe in that. I feel the Libyan successful revolution and the disgrace of Gaddafi and his close aides.
O noble Libyan nationals! Stead fast as relief succeeds a bit forbearing.
Not you only experience such suffering; however, we all experience the same. Our hearts are distressed for your anguish and we wait success for your revolution exactly like you or perhaps more.
You are from us and we are from you. Your goal and ours is the same.
We keep invocation to Allah to rest your hearts to tranquility and to destruct your enemy and that of Muslims wholly.
O noble Libyans! We have experienced a crucial days like you and Allah, the Almighty, with His grace only, bestowed upon us more than we would imagine and His grace and mercy still befall us.
Through this article, I would like to exchange with you some experiences we had from Tahrir square and others in Egypt and due to our conditions that resembles yours.
I beseech to Allah to grant upon you more than that of us, because He, the Almighty, is the Noble whose treasures never run out.
O great libyam people! Be sure that relief comes only from Allah, the Almighty and that to Home (SWT) belong all things. All tyrants living on the earth wholly can never disable Him (SWT); however, Allah delays His relief for certain wisdom, merely, He is able to say: "Be!", - and it shall become. We can never comprehend His whole wisdom, nor can we count the benefits of His planning for things. Yet, Allah, informs us of some of His wisdom of delaying relief to devote and correct our worship to Him Only (SWT).
The reasons of delaying relief may be as follow;
- Examining the faithful that if the course of victory happens to be facile, all people would proceed through. However, Allah likes to make it difficult and for long time to dismiss the languid and that only the sincere people would stead fast to it that indeed deserve the relief and victory of Allah, the Almighty.
- Having party of the unjust joined to the faithful course who, by Allah's assistance, maintains them and hence Allah deliver them from the punishment of the unjust party. This is well-demonstrated in the incidents of Libya where many unjust parties joint the parties of the wronged the matter they never experienced before which is a mercy of Allah to them to his faithful wringed Servants.
- Allah grants respite on the unjust party in order that if He (SWT) punished him, this would not be averted. This is well-demonstrated in the issue of President Hosni Mubarak and soon you will view a tragic end to Gaddafi. Allah, the Almighty is not unmindful to the deeds of the unjust.
There are lots of reasons for delaying relief; however, eventually, it occurs by Allah, the Almighty. This is to know that relief succeeds the hardest point, however, when people experience a condition of pain and fear to the extent that they believe that relief will never occur. At that time, Allah's relief comes, Allah (SWT) says: ([They continued] until, when the messengers despaired and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Our victory, and whoever We willed was saved. And Our punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals), Joseph, 110.
O great libyan people! the most convinced that relief comes only from Allah, the quick it takes place. If you put your trust in your numbers, equipments, the east or the west powers, relief will be delayed and perhaps it will never happen. Be aware! Test the intention of your hearts and be sincere to Allah. You should invoke Him and put your trust to Him, because He is the only capable to relive you and grant victory upon you. Indeed, Allah is able to do all things.
Second; o great Libyan people! Hold to integration and be all one party against the unjust. The unjust rulers were keen to divide us to many parties and groups. They spread agony among us and gave superiority to certain people to others which were their manner to rule and control us. If we really wish for relief, this would not be come true unless we unite together and stick to the instructions of Allah who says (And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided), Al-`Emran, 103.
The heads of the Libyan clans, intellectuals, scholars, Da`ya and the heads should hold meetings day and night to unite the Libyan parties into one to confront the tyrant Gaddafi. They should disregard all discords and discontinue the sub-issues what ever our attitudes or policies are. They should all unify one plain goal, namely deposing the evil governing regime together with its aides. Afterwards, they will reconsider the future of Libya and the proposed means for that; at the present time, they should not be dispersed and disunited; however, they should put themselves wholly into one ditch. By that moment, Allah will relieve them, God willing.
Third: the wrongdoers are too feeble. This is a fact we disregarded for many years ago.
To exemplify, Zein Al-`Abedin bin `Ali left Tunisia at a time where he thought to be a very tyrant.
Hosni Mubarak deposed the rule after 18 days of the peaceful Egyptian revolution and his aides he empowered to Egypt for thirty years availed him no thing.
The unjust rulers are too feeble and the soldiers defending them are a plain indication for the very cowardice and feebleness of them.
The question that comes to our minds is that how then they rule very large nations for tens of years?!
The response is that this is because nations are not aware of the source of their strength; consequently they enabled the tyrant feeble rulers to dominate people neglectful for the source of their strength.
What are the keys of the strength of nationals?
They are the two points already mentioned above, namely putting trust to Allah and unity.
If nationals sincerely put their trust in Allah and unite their parties into one to confront the unjust rulers; by then, their thrones will be demolished and nationals who for long time were neglectful for their strength will discover it and the unjust rulers will flee at that time. For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.
Fourth: some times, the rebels feel their powers have weakened and their resolution about to enervate, then they should be aware that their enemy suffers the same they do. In this regard, Allah, the Almighty, says: (If you should be suffering - so are they suffering as you are suffering), An-Nisaa, 104.
If you stead fast for a bit, your enemy will give a way before you do, especially because you strive for the truth while he fights for the evil. You seek the satisfaction of Allah through confronting the tyrant ruler, while he seeks the discontent of Allah through committing injustice for more than forty years, so that Allah continues in His Quranic verse saying: (but you expect from Allah that which they expect not), An-Nisaa, 104. They do not seek the paradise nor do they look for forgiveness. Indeed, they are wrongdoer rulers that spent their lives for injustice and corruption waiting for death on the same condition. How miserable they are!
Fifth: you should spread the spirit of hope and ambition among you and contemplate on the Quranic verses and the prophetic traditions that reassure your hearts and give you the glad tidings of a great future for the Muslim nation. Beware of the frustration, because the frustrated never change the bad conditions and the desperate never gain victory!
You should broadcast the news of your victory, even if they are simple and circulate the news of your enemy sufferings and the news of the decline of their power and the renouncement of individuals and authorities for them as well.
You should follow the longing and support of Muslims to you. This is obvious through the fact that almost every Friday oration or lecture includes invoking Allah to you. Also, you are highly esteemed by the west. From few days passed, I visited Italy and witnessed their good impression of your courage. Yet, Berlusconi is a close friend of Gaddafi, the Italian media telecasted its obvious disapproval for the heinous crimes of Gaddafi which all eventually to your advantage. Glad tidings to you, O Libyans!
Sixth: take a lesson from the history of your bold ancestors. You noble ancestor fought the Italian enemies for long years. They presented martyrs and sacrifices and pained the Italian army profoundly.
Sufficient to contemplate on the story of your martyr ancestor `Umar Al-Mukhtar (may Allah be merciful with him) to realize that you eventually gained victory after a long strife and struggle.
Through your history, you should know that victory and relief succeeds forbearing. You should contemplate you history profoundly and all revolutions for freedom worldwide as well. No doubt, you will gain benefit. Also, I advise you to deliberately contemplate on the Tunisian revolution and that of Egypt as the conditions are similar to large extent.
It is too beneficial to start from where the others ended and to make use of their advantages and avert their disadvantages.
In general, contemplating on history lengthen our lives and light the darkness before us.
Seventh: be sure that whoever discontinues his revolution tantamount to the one digging his grave by his own hands.
You should with no other option to go on the revolution with a very plain goal and do not multiply your goals no to be dispersed, namely to depose Gaddafi. Do not seek any other thing and do not enumerate the other leading figures wishing to oust or dreams to have come true in order not to be dispersed by your enemy to variant aspects. This lesson might be the most beneficial one that one may derive from the Egyptian revolution, where the only obvious goals was to depose president Hosni Mubarak, the matter which made the other aspirations of reforms partially and wholly become insignificant. Consequently, the governing regime could not deceive the nationals that the rebels felt no satisfaction when Mubarak deposed some leading figures or made some developments.
The goal was too obvious, namely it is one goal, and then we may discuss other issues.
O great Libyan people! Be sure that if Gaddafi no deposed, massacre will take place, but it will be more hideous tens times, so you should not leave him in his post any more.
Eighth: beware of the West, Europeans and Americans! Those imperialists care for nothing but their own advantage. They do not care for your sufferings. They completely assisted the dictator presidents of the Arab states and they have declared integration with you except because they found out that Gaddafi and our other presidents have become useless for them. If they are sure that Gaddafi can control the issues, they would not to declare hostility to him. To exemplify, you may review the comic statements of Obama during the revolution of Egypt, namely it was varying from siding with Egyptian nationals on one day and Mubarak on the other according to the circumstances. The comic thing is that the presidents of Europe adopted his varying attitude. They all have not openly declared the greatness of the Egyptian revolution except after ousting Mubarak and the success of the revolution.
If Umar Suleman managed to control the incidents and rule Egypt, they would assist him. Accordingly, pay no attention for their statements; however, you should rely on Allah, the Almighty, then you should depend on your powers and unity.
Be not frightened of the probability of being invaded by the west, as it suffers failure in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
I believe that it is not probable to invade you; especially the incidents are flaming out around you, in Egypt from the east and in Tunisia from the west.
Consequently, do not spread fear and anxiety among your nationals without justified reason.
Never permit that on your part, namely through seeking military assistance from Europe or America whatever the case may be. You should bear in mind the Arab proverb (No one can rub your skin like your own nails, so assume your obligations personally).
Ninth: recall the auspicious future awaits you, God willing; in case that you managed depose this tyrant.
By the grace of Allah, we, in Egypt, achieve daily advantages and find out corruption every moment.
We can never give the due thankfulness to Allah for the advantages bestowed upon us. Accordingly, lie in wait for this hope.
Your wealth is plundered, your mouths are not free, your land is armless, your freedom is restricted and your youth is unemployed. This is due to unjust evil governing regime respecting not in you the ties of kinship or any covenant.
Just contemplating on the auspicious future awaits you if the governing system of Gaddafi deposed would make you more steadfast and strong. It may be sufficient to follow up the news of Egypt daily to realize the advantages befalling us from the first moment of ousting Mubarak. I beseech to Allah to approximate relief to you!
Tenth: O purebred Libyans! Be sure that you are not the only beneficial of the success of your revolution; however, the states around will follow your example and do not regard as improbable a unity among the Arab and Muslim states to take place due to your forbearing and strife. Be the example and always pay close attention to the Quranic verse: (Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who did so after it]. Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterwards and fought. But to all Allah has promised the best [reward]), Al-Hadid, 10.
I beseech to Allah to reward you well due to your revolution and all these breaking out copying yours!
This was the tenth advice.
Accordingly, they are ten advices.
I beseech to Allah to hold you steadfast and to employ you to defend His religion, enforce the right and to confront the evil. Moreover, to rectify your intentions from duplicity, set your deeds to the good, die as Muslims, destroy your enemy and to relieve your hearts and Muslims wholly.
Indeed, Allah, the Almighty, is the patron and the competent of that.
I beseech to Allah to grant glory to Islam and Muslims.
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